Property Developers – Are your drawers full of spare keys?!

Property Developers – Are your drawers full of spare keys?!
If you manage a number of properties, whether it’s residential or commercial, then you know managing keys can be a bit of a nightmare. We have customers who have whole walls taken up in their offices with key hooks, key safes and pegs. There are others who have drawers full of door keys, window keys, shutter fobs and the like. All of this can lead to a stressful job, and security concerns.
If this rings a bell with you, then check out below; there are a few solutions that will help you escape the headache of key management.
Master Key Suites
As simple as it gets. One key for all of your properties. Your tenants can have keys that will only access the doors that they are allowed in, but you can have a master key that will pass every lock, in every property. You can even have common locks, so loads of unique keys pass one lock (great for propertyies with with communal doors like HMO’s and office blocks).
If you’ve already got a portfolio of properties then this may take some time to implement, but based on the time it can save you in future, it’s definitely worth considering. If you’re just starting out on your property journey, then make the decision early; and get a master suite set up. You won’t regret it!
Electronic Access Control
This is the future; no keys at all… and it’s already quite popular in some residential letting applications (think top-end student accommodation, serviced apartments, Air BnB etc). You can send new access rights direct to your tenants phone; grant your cleaners access to the doors only between certain hours of the day and unlock the front door from anywhere in the world. No more concerns about tenants leaving with keys, you can remove/ delete their access permissions from the door remotely or locally via Bluetooth.
Although significantly more expensive than a mechanical lock, the increased functionality can pay for itself over time.
There are GSM solutions (Done via SIM card), IP solutions (using network connection or WiFi) and stand-alone systems that rely on rolling codes, or credentials being issued to customers phones. Below you’ll find a link to our Smart Code Lock; which is just one of many “smart” solutions popping up across this industry.
Please do get in touch if you want any advice on key management, master key systems or electronic access control.
Lewis @ Keytrak